Extra! Newsletters Keep You Sleuthing from the Armchair

63699_10152027416658338_754735578_nNew Yorkers: check your email! Your inbox may contain our newsletter and the answer to this fowl question:

Which of the following is NOT a real record?
(a) Heaviest turkey: 86 lbs.
(b) Most turkey eaten in 10 minutes: 7.5 pounds
(c) Longest Thanksgiving dinner: 5 days
(d) Largest gathering of people dressed as turkeys: 661
(e) Busiest airport on Thanksgiving: Atlanta, 89,331,622 travelers

But fear not: we send out newsletters to hunters in each of our public hunt cities. They feature not just the latest hunt schedule but also discounts and special invitations. If you live near New York, Boston, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, or San Francisco, you can catch up on the latest scoop for sleuths. Click here to sign up and get in the game!

Gmail fans: Are you missing out? If you are missing our newsletter, please make sure it’s not being filtered into the new “Promotions” folder. If it is, just drag it out into your “Primary” folder tab. When Gmail asks you if you’d like all future emails from us to go straight into your Primary inbox, just answer “Yes.” Thanks!